
Augustine is virtually an endless supply of wisdom and theological insight.  In re-reading parts of De Trinitate lately, I read a wonderful quote on how we ought to approach God.  I have posted this quote on my wall before, as I have found it so helpful.  In the history of theology there has often been either (1) a tendency to approach God through flippantly or arrogantly, or (2) a tendency to be too reticent about our ability or capacity to say something meaningful about God.  Augustine certainly recognizes the challenge of saying something about God, but he wisely encourages a proper way to speak about God.  He writes (in De Trinitate V.1): "Yet for all that [=the difficulty in speaking about God] there is no effrontery in burning to know, out of faithful piety, the divine and inexpressible truth that is above us, provided the mind is fired by the grace of our creator and savior, and not inflated by arrogant confidence in its own powers."